#2 – We don’t want to work with assholes…

Kevin Whitehouse //Updated: October 8 0

You're thinking affects everything…

...from who you're married to or who you are in a relationship with, to who you employ, who your clients are to what you charge for your services or products…

...you're thinking is the crux of every single element of your life, so yes it will most certainly have an effect on your business.

So positive thinking is not some sort of wooo where we all sit under a tree and just imagine that life is going to be great, it’s about taking positive actions and sitting down and planning out your future.

As your coach we are there to identify the crap you are telling yourself and take them away and help you find a new set of beliefs that support you rather than hinder you.

People are more inclined to be negative because that’s how we have been brought up, from our own parents, teachers and family around us they have taught us to be negative.

We were lucky enough to start our learning from one of arguably the world's leading authorities in mindset Earl Nightingale and that has led us to a lifetime of education which we can share with you.

We can blame things and other people for our own unhappiness, but it’s down to our own thinking and how we react to the influence of others that ultimately we decide.

The key to success and the key to failure “We become what we think about…” Earl Nightingale

It's what we say to ourselves all day long in our heads that matters.

If spend our day believing we are failures, if we believe everything is a struggle, if we spend our day believing no one will buy our products or services, then guess what?  

That's probably what will happen!

In this video we talk about a pricing error that many people in business get wrong so many times and we explain why.

We share what one of our very smart clients says, someone who has also been around business for a long time himself…

It’s mindset or as he refers to it, attitude adjustment

It’s about how you relate to yourself and how you deal with yourself…

It is all about mindset and attitude, it's not just about sticking your prices up, it's about having confidence.

If you feel that you can get more from yourself, you should listen to the little voice inside you, and know that just a small shift in your mindset can make differences to your business and take it to something even beyond what you thought you were capable of and we can help you do that...

About the author, Kevin Whitehouse

I've been helping business owner's for over 30+ years as an accountant and now qualified coach and mentor. Our book Rock Solid Growth 2.0 is our practical guide that helps you get the results you deserve and if you want some help along the way, then let's talk...

Book and Audio


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