Grow your business without
the stress, overwhelm and worry and combat the
economic threats
we all face
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How to eliminate the stress, overwhelm and worry from your business even if you've tried to solve this pain before...
Running a business maybe with your spouse, married or not, comes with two challenges:
First, all the usual business challenges and shit that every business owner deals with..!
...and second, sometimes you can’t escape your business, you literally eat, drink, and sleep with the boss!

When things are going well, it's great, but when they’re not, you find you can’t get away from it, it's always in the conversation and you feel the pressure build and that puts a strain on your relationship, which in turn puts a strain on the business and creates a downward spiral of festering bickering, digging and jibing at each other until one of you blows up in complete frustration and rage!!
It happens, and it’s not much fun, right?
And you probably think you can cope with all of it, if... you just stay positive!
Bad news and good news...

The bad news is it's NOT going to fix itself.
Meaning... if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you've always gotten.
It's madness to think that somehow doing the same thing will give you different and better results.
Obvious, and true - Ouch!
The good news is since your results depend on your behaviour, and you can change your behaviour any time you choose, and thus change your results.
Sure, you can't change your situation and circumstances overnight, but you can change your direction in a heartbeat.
Bottom line... if you’re happy with the business you run and the profits you make, then do nothing…
...and nothing will change.
Your life, your business, and so it's your choice what you do with them both.
But if you’re not so happy... and you want things to change...
...then you must understand change has to begin with you.
And if you do want to change, there are two ways you can do it.
You can either…
…try to work it all out for yourself (but it’ll take you a long time and entail stumbling into a ton of pitfalls, dead-ends, and blind alleys);
…or you can accept our help and I’ll share with you the simple way to do it.
Note: I said simple and not easy.
It takes a lot of work and a considerable amount of change towards your thinking on your part, and, frankly, not everyone’s cut out for it.
But, hey… it won’t do itself and whatever you’re doing right now, how’s that working for you?
How can you create change?
You might think it’s your partner's fault or the business is at fault, and if only you could get them to change?
You can’t control them or it!
But we can start to identify the cause.
Most problems fall into one (or more) of three elements
In no particular order, People can often be a cause. It could be friends and family causing you some grief, or customers or maybe suppliers or staff issues?
Then, what about your Business? maybe a lack of sales, or lack of consistency of sales, or maybe cashflow problems or maybe motivation, you've lost your sparkle and love for what you do?
And, then we turn to Health matters, our health is so important and of course you could have a genuine medical condition you are dealing with, but so many business owners and staff suffer with stress, worry and overwhelm and this is the beginnings of what could be some serious mental health issues, and if we are mentally struggling, inevitably we can't be arsed to cook properly, we then sedate ourselves with booze and now on top of all our worries we now feel overweight and unattractive...
... and FML!!
But the real root cause of all of this is our thinking and how we go about fixing all this.
And the way we do that is "Change"
In my experience from over the past 30+ years helping people just like you, when we start to make the right changes we then start to see we have more choices, which leads to freeing up more time and ultimately leading to a better business and better relationships with the important people in our lives.
And the way we create that change...
...and also make the whole process easy and fun for you!
Is to provide you with a step by step, paint by numbers set of tools, help and support.
Now, I don't want to get ahead of myself here you might not like what I have to say or offer and heck you might not even like us, and that's okay.
But, if you are still here and are serious about finding out how you really can run a better business, one that gives you the rewards you are seeking and is easier and more fun to run, then I might be able to help you.
We have a simple method, a process and system we’ve
implemented over the past 30+ years to all our clients
and also into our own business ...and it works.
How Do We
Help You?

Get the FREE "Rock Solid Growth 2.0" Book, Audio and a 100% FREE Gift to the full Rock Solid Growth content!
Now I can’t guarantee any of this, because I don’t know if you’ll even do the work, but what I can guarantee you is if you choose to do nothing, nothing will change, in fact it’ll probably get worse…
If you are looking for some genuine practical
business help then here's how I can
help you right now...
You get more than just Kev...

Kev Whitehouse
Kev a qualified coach and also set up and ran an accountancy practice for over 30 years and through helping 1,000's of clients provided the first hand experience and knowledge to be able to help you

Vicki La Bouchardiere
Vicki is a world class highly experienced and qualified executive coach and undoubtedly knows and understands what makes you tick and how your thinking affects your behaviour
Kev and Vicki live and work together in the Dorset Countryside, they have 4 grown up children and are now proud grandparents, they are both authors and speakers and have spent years crafting their trade.
Since 1991 we’ve coached, mentored and provided accounting services to many different business owners, here's just a small sample of the types of industry:
Accountants (yes we coach other accountants!), artists, architects, builders, boat designers, childrens farm park owners and other coaches and consultants, doctors and dentists, e-commerce and engineers, factories and fashion designers, garden design and garages, hotels and hair salons, interior designers and investors, jewellery shops and jewellery makers, kitchen specialists, marketing agencies, mechanics and musicians, nursing homes and nail salons, online automation experts and opticians, pet businesses and paint and decorators, quality assurance specialists and recruitment, restaurants and software companies, technology companies and travel agencies, used car dealerships, veterinary business and video and film production, web designers and many, many more…
Be our next success story...

Grow your business without
the stress, overwhelm and worry and combat the
economic threats
we all face
Get the FREE "Rock Solid Growth 2.0" Book, Audio and a 100% FREE Gift to the full Rock Solid Growth content!